Tips When Repairing Cracks in Your Concrete Driveway

Concrete is a material that is durable and resilient, but over time it can wear. This means that even though you have a driveway made from concrete, it is possible that cracks might become visible over time. The actual cause of cracks in your concrete driveway can range from growing tree roots to heavy loads. It is important that you are aware of the most helpful tips designed to make repairing cracks in your concrete driveway much easier.

Loose Pieces  

The first thing that you need to focus on when you are repairing a crack in your concrete driveway are the small pieces of concrete that surround the crack. If you have a rack that is larger in size, you will most likely be dealing with more loose concrete pieces. All loose parts of concrete need to be removed completely. This means that you will need to use a chisel to break off all the loose pieces that surround the crack. Just be sure that when you are using the chisel to free the loose pieces that you are not enlarging the crack immensely. You can then use a wire brush to make sure that all debris is cleaned from the edge of the crack. You also need to be sure that all loose pieces of concrete are removed from inside the crack. This can be done using an air compressor.


When you are using grout or a concrete sealer to cover the crack, you need to begin by applying water to the crack. You can do this with the use of a bottle full of water that you can pour over the crack. If you are using a type of caulk that is textured, you will not need to wet the concrete beforehand because this type is best when placed over dry concrete. This means that you need to be aware of the type of caulk or grout that you are using to cover the crack.


No matter what type of grout or sealer you choose to use to remove the crack; you will need to use enough to fill the crack completely. It is best to work with a trowel to ensure that you can get the grout or sealer all the way down through the entire surface of the crack. Make sure that you level the crack once you have applied the caulk or grout to make sure that all the excess has been removed and the concrete surface is still level. 
