3 Reasons Smart Homeowners Use LED Bulbs in the Bathroom

If you're planning a bathroom renovation, you're probably thinking about whether you should add a whirlpool bath, if underfloor heating is worth the cost, and maybe how it would feel to use a bidet. One thing that you're probably not thinking about are what kind of lighting fixtures you want to fit, and, more specifically, what kind of bulbs you want those fixtures to hold.

That's fair enough; after all, light bulbs aren't exactly the most interesting of subjects. Be that as it may, you really should take the time to think about what kind are best, and you'll almost always come to the conclusion that LEDs are the way to go. Here are just three reasons why.

1. LED Bulbs Cope Well with Bathroom Environments

A typical bathroom is going to vary dramatically in temperature throughout the day. Thanks to their generally cool floors and walls, most will start the day rather cold. When you sit in your nice warm bath, the whole room will heat up and be filled with steam. Bathrooms will also experience more moisture than any other room in the house, unless you happen to have an indoor swimming pool. LED fixtures are perfect for use in the such environments since they are resistant to temperature changes and will not be affected by moisture.

2. LED Bulbs Light Up Immediately

When you turn on a traditional fluorescent or incandescent bulb, you'll notice that it takes a while for them to actually light up as much as they are going to. This can become frustrating in the bathroom since you might just want to pop in to check your reflection. Luckily enough, you can solve the problem by fitting LED bulbs, which will turn on and achieve full brightness without delay.

3. LED Bulbs Are More Durable

One of the most compelling benefits of LED bulbs is that they last an incredibly long time; in fact, they can commonly last decades. This is a real advantage when you're dealing with a bathroom since lights will often be recessed or in tricky positions. Additionally, LED bulbs can be turned on and off again without causing any internal stress. This is because they lack the filament of a normal fluorescent or incandescent bulb, which can be worn out through frequent turning on and off. Since the bathroom might be something you pop in and out of just to quickly use the toilet, frequent switching of the lights on and off is going to be a regular occurrence, so LEDs make the smartest choice.
